Succession en Slovénie

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How can I make sure my children are treated equally ?

The most suitable legal transaction for succession within the family is the deed of conveyance. If all family members participate in it, then the property, which is the subject of such deed, will not be subject to succession. The conclusion of such agreement is limited exclusively to testators and their descendants. The beneficiary becomes the owner of property immediately rather than after the death of the conveyer. If a descendant does not agree with such legal transaction, or if an heir is ignored and does not participate in concluding the deed of conveyance, then the property which was conveyed to others is considered to be a gift. Therefore, the non-participating heir may demand to receive a statutory share or can agree with the already concluded deed of conveyance at a later point in time.

The testator and his descendants can conclude an agreement on non-utilization of the inheritance where the heir renounces the succession. The contract on renunciation of the inheritance is irrevocable and must be concluded in the form of a notarial act.

If the settlor wishes to keep his/her property at the time of his/her death, then the life care contract or a deed of gift in the event of death is possible. Both agreements must be made in the form of a notarial record.

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Notarska Zbornica Slovenije

Tavčarjeva ulica 2,

SI - 1000 Ljublijana, Slovenija

Tel.: +386 - 1 - 439 25 70

Fax: +386 - 1 - 434 02 47

info nzs siol net

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