Succession en Slovénie

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Can I give my assets directly to my grandchildren ?

You can give your assets directly to your grandchildren, however, some rules need to be observed. The child of the deceased, i.e. the parent of the grandchild, and the grandchild (who is to receive the assets from the grandparent) have to be included in the deed of conveyance, otherwise this deed is considered to be a gift which consequently has the enforcement of a statutory share. If the grandparent 'skips' his/her children and gives his/her assets to his/her grandchildren as a gift or transfers the assets to them in any other way, he/she has to observe the limitations in statutory shares. Such limitations do not exist when a life estate deed or a life care agreement is made. 

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Notarska Zbornica Slovenije

Tavčarjeva ulica 2,

SI - 1000 Ljublijana, Slovenija

Tel.: +386 - 1 - 439 25 70

Fax: +386 - 1 - 434 02 47

info nzs siol net

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