Succession en Slovaquie

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How can I pass on my assets while I’m still alive ?

If you wish to anticipate your succession, you can gift part of your assets to your children. To do so, you need to make a gift. This is only possible between living persons and thus a contract, according to which the donee will start benefiting from the gift after the donor's death, is not valid.   

When the object of a gift is an immovable property, such as a flat or a house, the law requires a written gift deed. Furthermore, a request to record the transfer of ownership has to be presented to the competent land registry. The gift deed concluded by notarial act can to be submitted electronically. The notary can do this directly, which saves the parties time and administrative costs. The notary will advise you as to the formula best suited to your situation, in the light of your assets and your children and their respective situation.


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Notárska komora Slovenskej republiky

Krasovského 13,

SK - 851 01 Bratislava 5, Slovensko

Tel.: +421 - 2 - 55 57 45 19

Fax: +421 - 2 - 55 57 45 89

notarska komora notar sk

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